Le Bleu Water is called “ultra pure” because it is simply 11% Hydrogen and 89% Oxygen, nothing else. Clean, the way nature originally intended. Le Bleu is the best-tasting bottled water around. In fact, we’ve won awards like the “BEST Non-Alcoholic Beverage in the Western Hemisphere” at the International Food and Beverage Trade Show in Miami, Florida. Our five-step purification process produces high quality, ultra pure bottled water. Compare Le Bleu’s taste and purity with any other bottled water and you make the choice.
Imagine the cleanest, clearest mountain stream, so cool and refreshing you can scoop it up in your hands to drink. Doesn’t that sound enticing? But wait: That beautiful, seemingly pristine water may have disease causing microorganisms, minerals, or contamination from polluted rainwater. In our fractional vapor compression distillation process, we use drinking water from the municipal water supply and take it an extra “five steps beyond Mother Nature” before the water even enters the bottle, eliminating harmful contaminants.

Distillation is natures process whereby water is turned into steam, then directed into condensing coils where it condenses back into water. Steam distillation kills harmful bacteria and viruses, removes virtually all foreign particles, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, chlorine, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). Here’s how it works: Water is heated in a chamber and turned into vapor (steam). This water vapor rises leaving impurities behind in the boiling chamber. The purified vapor then enters a condenser, where it is cooled and returned to the liquid state. Distillation is the oldest, safest most reliable process as nature intended. That’s why we distill our water.
You know that fresh, clean smell of the air after a lightening storm? It’s caused by the storm’s lightening bolts literally electrifying the oxygen molecules of the air, which results in the formation of ozone (O3). It can also be created in water by the use of high-voltage electricity, which is how Le Bleu generates ozone to remove impurities from our ultra pure water. This process is called “corona discharge.” Ozone is the most powerful water sanitizer and disinfectant available. It purifies water much faster than chlorine, functions as a clarifying agent to “polish” the water molecules, improves the clarity and clearness of the water and is the most powerful and rapid-acting purifier available. Ozone kills bacteria, toxins, mold, yeast spores, organic material, parasites and even viruses.
Le Bleu uses ozonation as just one step in our five-step purification process to provide you with the cleanest and safest bottled water possible. Compare Le Bleu’s taste and purity with any other bottled water and you make the choice. You’ll like what we do to it!
Many commercially available water purification systems are based on the principle of filtration or reverse osmosis. Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems force water under high pressure through a synthetic semi-permeable membrane to reduce inorganic minerals. These systems vary widely in their ability to reject nitrates, chlorides, and other contaminants. RO system performance is affected by water pressure, water temperature, pH, bacteria, dissolved solids and the chemical contaminant level of raw tap water. Like other filtration systems, gradual clogging of the system by collected contaminants will result in declining effectiveness and could also lead to contamination from bacterial growth. Also, water “treated” by reverse osmosis can have up to 90% wastewater and 10% product water.

There is so much more to learn about water. Ground water is subject to absorb undesirable and even toxic substances such as iron, manganese, lead, sodium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper, barium and arsenic.
And some products used to treat water, such as chlorine, have now been linked to many adverse health affects.
Many bottled waters make claims about the contents of their water, but the truth is pure water contains NO SODIUM, NO CALCIUM, and NO MAGNESIUM.
Remember, Pure water is 11% Hydrogen and 89% Oxygen. Nothing else.
Learn More: Everything you always wanted to know about water but didn’t know who to ask…
Le Bleu State of the Art Manufacturing
Le Bleu has a state-of-the art 130,000 square foot manufacturing facility located in Advance, NC.
We have high speed small package bottling lines with a maximum speed of 650 bottles per minute.
We also have a high speed 5 Gallon bottling line with a maximum speed of 2000 bottles per hour.
We can distill over 7000 gallons per hour of Le Bleu Ultra-Pure bottled water.

Experience the
Le Bleu Difference, Now!